I’ve always considered myself the type of person who disliked clutter and I believed the less items/furniture in my home, the bigger and cozier my home felt. I’ve never heard of the term ‘minimalist’ and ‘hygge’ until I started working with THE WELLB COMPANY. Combining both minimalism and hygge is what can help make your home cozier. If you’ve never heard of both terms, today is your lucky day.
Minimalism may have different meanings to everyone but one commonality with the is owning fewer possessions and only having items in your home that serve a purpose. You may think that someone who has a minimalist home has nothing on their walls and the only furniture is a table, chair, and bed. Yes, there are minimalists that are perfectly happy with this type of living, but there are 2 different types of minimalism. There is minimalism as an aesthetic and minimalism as a lifestyle. The key to using minimalism as a lifestyle is figuring out the items that means most to you and eliminating everything outside of that circle that will distract you from what you value most and what truly serves a purpose.
Hygge is a Danish and Norwegian term that is used to express the quality and mood of coziness and comfortable living to promote feelings of well-being and contentment. It is a mindset that focuses on slowing down, enjoying the moment, being present in the now, and being content with those moments rather than the design aspect of it. Yes, hygge can mean soft blankets, candles, lighting your fireplace, neutral colors, etc., but it’s so much more than that. It’s more mental, physical, and emotional. You can use a simple moment to appreciate and enjoy life. For example, when you wake up in the morning or you’re winding down for the night, preparing a hot cup of coffee or tea can be hygge. You’re slowing your mind and body down to be present as you prepare your beverage. After your beverage is prepared, you’re taking the time to drink it without hurry either at your dining table, your patio, the couch, or the favorite place in your home. It can even be taking a shower or bath at the end of a long day. You’re unwinding yourself and enjoying that moment where all worry and things that consume your mind are left outside.
Now, how does minimalist and hygge fit together and how can we incorporate it into our home. Well, minimalism is removing the things that no longer serve a purpose nor are necessary to make more room for us to value the things that mean most to us to create more time and space in your life to live more mindfully. Hygge is enjoying the cozy moments in our life and enjoying the simple moment in each day. You are creating a cozy space that you love spend time in that can be filled with happiness and memories not only for yourself, but for your family and guests.
The first step in creating a home that promotes minimalism and hygge is getting rid of clutter that can be bother distracting and overwhelming. Having all the clutter can be stressful and not allow you to relax. Less is more when adding coziness to your home. Of course, you can keep all the items that make you feel cozy and bring you happiness, but eliminating elements that no longer make you happy nor serve a purpose is key. Try not to buy or keep things that you want, but the things you need.
Decorate your home with meaningful items and décor. Spend time with those you love by playing games, reading, cuddling, drink a tea or cup of wine, or enjoying a movie. Have a spot in your home to keep all electronic devices so you can be present with yourself and those you’re surrounded by. Dim the lights by having candles, twinkling lights, or a night lamp. If you decided to have candles, do not go overboard with the number of candles and finish the candles before you purchase more. Remember, less is best. Having that type of environment that is relaxing, positive energy, happiness, and coziness is the goal and important when living mindfully. When you declutter, you give yourself more time to yourself and your family or guests and less time managing all those items that give unnecessary clutter.
Do you have a good amount of furniture, decor, clothes, children toys, etc., that are no longer necessary are need, you can donate them to a local shelter or host a garage sell to make a few extra dollars, or give away to a friend or family member that may put it to use.
Bringing minimalism and hygge into your life and home, allows you to focus on what matters and gives you time to appreciate the little things in life. The simple and happy times are what we find more memorable so why not create an environment that allows us to create those moments each day. Minimalism gives you the time and space in your home and life to create those special hygge moments.
“Hygge is about making the most of what we have in abundance: the everyday.” -Miek Wiking